Homeopathy is a unique and complete system of medicine developed over 200 years ago. The word Homeopathy is derived from the words “homeo” and “pathos” which means “similar suffering”. This describes the basic principle of Homeopathy: “Like cures like”.
Homeopathy considers that symptoms are the body’s way of expressing of dis-ease or imbalance; including mental, emotional and physical symptoms. Suppression of these symptoms is not the goal of homeopathic treatment. Instead, we recognize that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient who needs treatment and not the disease.
It is the vital force (the dynamis that animates the body) that regulates the homeostasis of the body. When it is weakened or stressed, it may not always return to its normal balance and the body exhibits symptoms. It is these same symptoms which guide the homeopath to the correct remedy, which, when administered, will stimulate the vital force to return to balance.
Each person is given individualized treatment, using their symptoms as a guide to find a remedy that matches their “symptom picture” and treat the root cause of their dis-ease.
The remedies act on a deep level, stimulating the body’s own power to heal itself.
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