Apr 13, 2021

Four Most Common Types of Headache: Causes and Symptoms

- By Dr. Mary Alphonse


Normal headaches are usually caused by sleep derivation, muscle or nerve strain, using incorrect glasses, stress, caffeine or alcoholic stimulants overuse or abuse, constant loud noise exposure and increased screen time.

The four most common types of headache are:

  • Tension Headache
  • Migraine
  • Sinus Headache
  • Cluster Headache

What is Tension Headache?

  • Tension headaches are a result of muscle contractions of neck and scalp from stress, depression, head injury or anxiety.  
  • Most common headache type with mild to moderate pain behind your eyes, head and neck. 
  • It feels like a tight band around the head or forehead.
  • Occurs mostly in women with a family history.

   Episodic Tension Headaches (occurs less than 15 days a month)

  •        Mild to moderate pain which is constant band-like.
  •        Constant pressure around the head, in the temples or back of the head and neck.
  •        Pain usually begins gradually, and mostly in the middle of the day.
  •        Pain can last from 30 minutes to several days.   

    Chronic Tension Headaches (occurs over 15 days a month)

  •        Pain can vary in intensity through the day, but the pain is almost always present.
  •        Pain comes and goes over a prolonged period of time.

Associated Symptoms of Tension Headache:

  •          Headache upon awakening
  •         Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
  •         Chronic fatigue
  •         Irritability
  •         Disturbed concentration
  •         Mild sensitivity to light or noise
  •         General muscle aching


What are Migraines?

Migraines can run in families and are diagnosed using certain criteria:

•   At least five previous episodes of headaches

•   Lasting between 4–72 hours

The Symptoms of Migraine:

At least two out of these four

  • one-sided pain, 
  • throbbing or pulsating pain, 
  • moderate-to-severe pain, and 
  • pain that is worsened by or prohibits routine physical activity

  • At least one associated feature: nausea and/or vomiting; sensitivity to light and sound
  • An Aura such as visual distortions or hand numbness can be a premonition in about a fifth people with migraine.
  •  Pounding throbbing pain that can affect the whole head or can shift from one side of the head to the other.

     Other Associated symptoms:

  •        Blurred vision
  •      Stomach upset, abdominal pain
  •       Loss of appetite
  •       Sensations of being very warm or cold
  •       Paleness
  •       Fatigue
  •       Dizziness
  •       Bright flashing dots or lights, blind spots, wavy or jagged lines (aura)


What is Sinus Headache?

  • When a sinus becomes inflamed, often due to an infection, it can cause pain.
  • It usually comes with a fever and can be diagnosed by symptoms or the presence of pus viewed through a fiber-optic scope.
  • Deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose.
  • The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement or straining.
  • Usually occurs with other sinus symptoms, such as nasal discharge, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, and facial swelling.

What is Cluster Headache?

Cluster headache is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, severe headaches on one side of the head, typically around the eye.

  • One of the most painful headache types occurring in cyclical patterns or cluster periods. 
  • Usually awakens you in the middle of the night with intense one-sided pain that is constantly throbbing in or around one eye on one side.

        Symptoms of Cluster Headache:

  • Pain is located behind one eye or in the eye region, without changing sides.
  • Pain lasts a short time, generally 30 to 90 minutes (but can last for three hours).

  • The headache will disappear, only to recur later that day. Most sufferers get one to three headaches and some up to eight per day during a cluster period.

  • Headaches occur very regularly, generally at the same time each day, and they often awaken the person at the same time during the night.
  • There are often accompanying autonomic symptoms during the headache such as eye watering, nasal congestion and swelling around the eye, typically confined to the side of the head with the pain.
  • They appear suddenly and are characterized by severe, debilitating pain on one side of the head. 
  • Often accompanied by a watery eye and nasal congestion or a runny nose on the same side of the face.

  •  Occurs mostly in men with a family history.

How Homeopathy helps cure headaches?
  • There are over 100 homoeopathic remedies which give great relief in headaches, which not only cures the headache but also prevents further recurrences.

  • However, the correct choice and the resulting relief is a matter of experience and right judgment on the part of the homeopathic doctor.

  • Homeopathy works by assisting the body's vital energy to heal. This means that you will get rid of each of your troubles small or big, old or new. 
  • Since with the treatment- the immune system is strengthened, Homeopathy ends up protecting you from future troubles as well.

  • Constitutional homeopathic medicines prescribed are tailor made to your symptomology.

  • In short, homeopathic treatment is aimed at complete cure along with the root cause of the illness through an holistic approach.

  • Homeopathy believes in treating the patient in dis-ease and not just the disease.

Reach us @ Trinity Homeopathy

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